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Transformation Plan

Transformation is like evolution, inevitable. You can either chose complacency and risk growth, or you can transform for sustainable growth.

B-BBEE is the transformational legislation aimed at creating equitable opportunities in a sustainable manner, for the previously disadvantaged masses. Simultaneously, it also seeks to increase growth opportunities for businesses. While there are always arguments against B-BBEE, the reality is, it’s not going anywhere. B-BBEE will remain until all the inequalities of the past are no longer.

So, if you want your company to survive, your company needs a transformation plan. A transformation plan that breaks free from the norm. It needs to embrace sustainable growth and black empowerment. The sooner businesses start to realise that the common pursuit of all South Africans is to build a sustainable future for our children, the better they will be able to survive, transform and grow.

What is your company’s transformation plan?

A transformation plan is a strategic plan to modify an organisations business process through the transformation of policies, procedures and fleet of staff; that will move the organisation from a state of ‘as is’ to a ‘to be’ state.

It’s a plan that doesn’t fight evolution with the clouded view of “B-BBEE is the cost of doing business in South Africa”. Instead, it aims to bring the organisation into symbiosis with its environment. Because as businesses operating and serving the country, as citizens living in South Arica, we all have a vital need to transform if we are going to survive. This means, we need to create more jobs, be more economically inclusive, empower our weak and vulnerable and ensure that we give all children the opportunity to live a healthy and safe life that prepares them for a productive future.

Essentially, when your business uses compliance to transform the socio-economic landscape, it grows and so does our economy.

Need help on your transformation plan or perhaps you are in need of a transformation plan? We can help. Book a free consultation with us. Or, get in touch with our training department to enquire about our BEE Proficiency course and onsite training sessions. The BEE Proficiency course is a must for any company embarking on transformational compliance – we explain why in this quick read – B-BBEE Proficiency Course.


The ET Consult Team

Empower | Transform | Comply


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Use your compliance to improve your access to state contracts, improve your bottom-line and attract investment. We can help.

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KwaZulu Natal

22 Avondale Drive,
KZN, 4399
