BEE Training and Courses

Join Our BEE Proficiency Course

We know that transformation in South Africa remains an emotional and complex topic for many; as a result, conversations around transformation and Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment (B-BBEE) incite various emotional responses. With some leaning towards radical change, some unable to understand the complexities and some not adhering to change or compliance in the least bit. ET Consult wants to change all these responses; by focusing on the success stories that come out of sustainable B-BBEE implementation. The first step to changing the perception of BEE is through understanding it, its’ value and the several laws that govern BEE; you can take your first step by joining our BEE Proficiency Course.

“Make me the master of education, and I will undertake to change the world.” Gottfried Leibniz

By attending our BEE training, you will uncover the potential a sustainable transformation strategy possesses.  While there is no cast in stone, right or wrong, approach to transformation; our course is based on the Codes of Good Practice as published by the Department of Trade and Industry (dti). In addition, our years of expertise in the industry has equipped us with valuable and practical knowledge to help you implement sustainable B-BBEE strategies.

BEE Pro Course Objectives

The objectives of this course are to educate professionals and entities about the correct application and implementation of BEE; encourage a different perspective of BEE and embrace the success of transformation in South Africa.

Professionals at all stages of their career are welcomed to attend our BEE Pro Course. The course is designed for individuals who aren’t familiar with BEE and are just getting started on their transformation journey. Alternatively, this course is well suited for professionals who are familiar with BEE; but want a better understanding of how BEE affects their organisations; and the growth opportunities that lay within a sustainable transformation strategy.

Furthermore, our BEE training is for entities that want to move beyond the tick box exercises, that want to truly impact the social landscape of South Africa with an integrated transformation and empowerment business strategy.

“I am the master of my fate:

I am the captain of my soul.”

Invictus by William Ernest Henley, quoted by Nelson Mandela to empower social activists.

Learn to master BEE with our BEE Proficiency course. Click on our training page for upcoming training sessions.

Need more information on this and other ET Consult training sessions? Contact us today.


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KwaZulu Natal

22 Avondale Drive,
KZN, 4399
